04/14/02 Subject: Marine on duty A few day's after George W. Bush's inauguration, a man came up to the uniformed Marine on duty at the White House and said "I'd like to see President Clinton." The Marine politely answered "Sir, Mr.Clinton is no longer president." The man said, "Oh, O.K." and walked away. The next day the Marine was again on duty and the same man approached and again asked to see President Clinton. The Marine again answered, "Sir, Mr. Clinton is no longer president." Again the man answered, "Oh, O.K." and walked away. The next day the same man approached the same Marine and again asked to see President Clinton. The Marine, a little annoyed, said "Sir, I've told you twice before, Mr. Clinton is no longer president! Don't you understand that?" "Yes, I do" said the man, "But I just enjoy the hell out of hearing you say it." The Marine smiled and said, "See you tomorrow."