The story goes thusly; Mr. and Mrs. Cohen were celebrating their 50th wedding anniversary. Mr. Cohen says, "These have been 50 of the most wonderful years, and of course I have been faithful to you every minute! Have you been so to me?" "Well, I've enjoyed these years as much as you, but there have been 3 times that I have been unfaithful". "Three times, you must tell me why and how they happened, and I of course, will forgive you." "The first time, 30 years ago, do you remember that business you wanted to buy that cost twice the amount you could pay? I saw the man and he sold it to you for half the amount he originally wanted. The second, do you remember, 20 years ago, when you needed that open heart surgery, and the Dr. wanted $20,000 for it? I saw him and he did it for free, telling you that it was for research. The third? Do you remember when you wanted to be President of the Temple, and you were 34 votes short???????"